Calum Fowler's Story

Our patient Calum Fowler dreams of having a Hollywood smile. Watch this short video to hear his story, and how he can't wait to reach the end of his treatment so he can eat more easily and most importantly, finally smile with confidence for photos. Say cheese Calum!

‘When I get them off I'll probably cry with happiness because I've had such a problem with my teeth for so long. Being able to smile confidently in photos will be great. And being able to eat food properly will be amazing as well.’

Calum Fowler, Orthodontic Patient

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Calum came to Thistle Dental because he had several gaps between his teeth. This was really affecting his confidence; he felt self conscious smiling and didn't want to show his teeth - especially on photos. Calum decided to get orthodontic treatment to reduce the space in between his teeth. He wanted to get his confidence back and be able to smile again.


Treatment was a new experience for Calum, but he feels positive. Although there is some discomfort when he comes to have his braces tightened, he soon gets used to the sensation and is excited for his next appointment as he knows it will take him closer to his new Hollywood smile.


Calum is excited to complete his treatment and says he will feel very emotional when the day comes. The gaps in his teeth have caused problems eating as well as making him feel self conscious about his smile for years. Calum knows he is in safe hands with the specialist team at Thistle Dental and just can't wait to see his winning smile!