Should Your Patient Be Considering Dental Implants?
20 February 2018
At Thistle Dental, we work with a lot of patients who require dental implants and we’re often approached by patients who are considering them for the first time. If your patient is unhappy with their smile then dental implants can go a long way towards fixing the problem.
If your patient is considering dental implants, here’s a useful guide to help them make an informed choice:
The Benefits of Dental Implants
There are a number of benefits associated with dental implants, not least the huge difference they can make to a person’s smile and self-esteem. Some of the top benefits of dental implants include:
- Dental Implants Look Great - There’s no denying that dental implants look great and look completely natural, which is why they do such a good job of improving the appearance of teeth. With dental implants there’s no worry of them looking awkward, false or out of place.
- Dental Implants Last a Long Time - As long as dental implants are put in by a trained dental professional, they can last an extremely long time. This means that though dental implants may seem costly to begin with, they’re a dental solution that will last for years to come.
- Dental Implants Can Boost Self-Esteem - Having a smile that you’re unhappy with or teeth you dislike can cause your self-esteem to plummet. However, dental implants can fix this problem. Dental implants allow you to have a fantastic smile to be proud of, which is sure to give you a confidence boost.
- Dental Implants are Comfortable - As dental implants are fused to the mouth and last a long time, they are extremely comfortable and it doesn’t take long for you to get used to them. This means there’s no issue with them moving, rubbing or causing discomfort. In fact, most patients find they are completely used to their dental implants in no time at all.
Refer Your Patient For Dental Implants
As you can see, there are a number of benefits to dental implants and this is why more patients than ever are being referred to Thistle Dental in Aberdeen from across the North East of Scotland for this specialist treatment.
If your patient is interested in dental implants click here to refer your patient or get in touch for more information on 01224 638 404 or contact us online and speak to a member of the Thistle Dental team.
And rest assured, when your patient's orthodontic treatment is complete, we will return them back to you for their on-going care.
Read more about us in Thistle Dental Dental Practitioners Blog.